
Mémoire filmique du Sud is a project of the Institut Jean Vigo and the Cinémathèque de Toulouse


- For the Institut Jean Vigo: Frédéric Borgia
- For the Cinémathèque de Toulouse: Kees Bakker, Francesca Bozzano
- For Filmoteca de Catalunya : Ignasi Renau.
- For Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca : Francesc X. Bonnin


Administrative and financial management:
- For the Institut Jean Vigo: Renée-Lise Gomez
- For the Cinémathèque de Toulouse: Franck Loiret
- For Filmoteca de Catalunya : Mireia Sanahuja, Glòria Vilalta.
- For Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca : Ana Catalán


Technical Coordination and Information: Laurent Ballester (for the Institut Jean Vigo), Philippe Perusin (for the Cinémathèque de Toulouse), Rosa Saz (for Filmoteca de Catalunya), Francesc Barceló (for Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca)


Digitization: Julien Avet, Max Fernandez, Victor Jouanneau, Chiara Salari, Xavier Cid, Pau Pérez-Villegas


Website design:
Arkhênum: Gregory Bossard, Laurent Onainty –


Special thanks to all donors and depositors without whom this project would never have been possible.